Arrest of telephone scammers in foreign countries.

Scammers stealing money from Americans are no longer free from prosecution.
According to recent news articles, Spanish police arrested 150 members of the Nigerian mafia and charge them with perpetrating scams against the American public.

According to Forbes, 750 call center workers were arrested and taken into custody in Mumbai, India. They were charged with phone scams pretending to be IRS agents.

Americans who were victims of these scams in the past have felt hopeless.

Now, the long arm of the law has reached across national boundaries
and taken criminals to jail.

This action will make it more difficult for scammers to take advantage of the US public.

This information is provided to you by the Alpharetta, Georgia criminal defense attorney Scott Miller.

If you have a pending traffic ticket or criminal matters that you would like to discuss with attorney Scott Miller, you may call him at 770-408-1001 for a free consultation.
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