Client with expired registration in Sandy Springs.

I just left court with my client in Sandy Springs, GA.
She had been charged with driving a vehicle with an expired registration.
Her vehicle was impounded, and she was required to reinstate the registration before she could retrieve her vehicle.

The laws of the state of Georgia clearly require that a motor vehicle must be currently registered in order to be operated on roads or highway's in Georgia.

I have heard many reasons for not renewing a vehicle registration. The majority of which seem to be either I forgot to send in the registration or I didn't have money to pay for the registration.

Driving and unregistered vehicle in Georgia is not worth the risk. Often times you may end up with your vehicle being impounded. Now you have the added cost of defending yourself in court and paying the impound fee.

If you are unable to obtain a current vehicle registration for whatever reason, it is always wise to get a ride with a friend or call a taxi.

Fortunate for my client, I was able to get her charge reduced.

This information about driving with expired registration is provided to you by the Alpharetta, Georgia traffic ticket defense attorney Scott Miller.

If you are facing the charge of driving without a current vehicle registration or any other traffic violation, you may contact attorney Scott Miller at 770-408-1001, for a free consultation.
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