There's a new scam in the Atlanta Metro area. It goes something like this, you may receive a telephone call from someone who reports that he is a law-enforcement official. This fake person proceeds to tell you that you failed to appear for jury duty, and because of that there is a warrant out for your arrest. He says that the warrant can be taken care of if you will send a large sum of money, to a certain address that sounds official. What he wants you to do is to get prepaid cards and give him the numbers on the cards. Of course as soon as you give him the numbers on the cards he steals your money.

Do not fall for the scam, or any of the other numerous scams that are taking place in the Atlanta Metro area.

This information is provided to you by the Alpharetta, Georgia criminal defense attorney Scott Miller.
If you have issues with criminal matters you may contact Attorney Scott Miller at 770-408-1001 for a free consultation.
Scott Miller
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