I appeared in Dunwoody City Court accompanied by my client. He was charged with driving an uninsured vehicle.
In this particular case he was driving his brothers car.

Unfortunately for my client, it is the driver's responsibility to make sure that the vehicle is covered by current liability insurance, even though the driver is not the owner of the vehicle.

Driving without current liability insurance is charged in Georgia as a criminal misdemeanor, and it can be punishable by time in jail.

Fortunately for client though, after negotiations with the prosecutor, I was able to get his charge reduced to a minor traffic violation.

This is a big win for my client because he will not have a criminal misdemeanor on his record.

This informational blog is provided to you by the Alpharetta, Georgia traffic ticket defense attorney Scott Miller.

If you have traffic tickets or other criminal matters that you would like to discuss with attorney Scott Miller, you may contact him at 770-408-1001 for a free consultation.
Scott Miller
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