Defending my client at GA DUI administrative license suspension:

On January 13, 2019 at 6:00 PM:
I appeared with my client for an administrative license hearing in Roswell, GA. My client had been charged previously with a DUI.

Georgia code 40-6-391, driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substance: requires that if a driver suspected of driving under the influence, who refuses to take a state administered chemical sobriety test, will have their driver’s license suspended for a period of one year.

Any person can contest this suspension by filing a request for a hearing within 10 business days after the alleged refusal, and this ALS Hearing may be successful in preventing this suspension.

Following discussion and negotiations with the arresting officer, and based upon my client’s level of perceived intoxication during the incident, plus the fact that another officer had seen my client at a cafe earlier that evening and told the client during casual conversation that he should not drive, I got the officer to agree to withdraw the suspension.

This information is provided by the Alpharetta, Georgia DUI defense attorney Scott Miller.

Attorney Scott Miller is available seven days a week for free consultation concerning DUI and other traffic matters.
You may call attorney Scott Miller at 770-408-1001.

Scott Miller
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Georgia Attorney at Law
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