Probation is an agreement between the judge of the court and the defendant who has been found guilty, that he or she can serve their sentence outside of jail. The judge will give the defendant very specific instructions about what the defendant may be allowed to do and what he or she cannot do. Any breach of the agreement by the defendant will cause him or her to be charged with probation violation. The defendant will be returned to jail and face the additional charge of probation violation.

If you have been charged with probation violation by the Alpharetta, GA. Municipal Court, it would be best to be defended by an Alpharetta Georgia probation violation defense attorney.

Attorney Scott Miller has 12+ years of experience defending clients against probation violation charges in the Alpharetta, Georgia municipal court. He is in this court 2 to 3 times per week working for his clients. The 12 + years of experience in the Alpharetta Municipal court, has given Attorney Miller an inside view to the court proceedings and the court's personnel and officers.

If you are facing charges of probation violation in the Alpharetta, Georgia Municipal Court, contact the Alpharetta probation violation defense attorney Scott Miller for a free consultation. 770-408-1001
Scott Miller
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