Ever wonder how a police officer can accurately determine what speed you are driving? Most motorists don’t know there are three ways Georgia officers can determine the speed at which you are traveling:
- Radars – Radars use radio waves to determine speed, and these are not typically target-specific. This means that a laser is pointed at your car and is determining only your speed. Radars could be picking up other things and not get an accurate reading on your speed. A radar reading takes two to three seconds. Drivers have a right under Georgia traffic law to request that the officer check the radar device for accuracy, but do not have the right to see the radar device readout. Radars are typically easier to fight in court than lasers, which are usually more accurate.
- Lasers – Laser devices are the “speed guns” that you sometimes see police officers using. A laser uses laser light pulses, which allows for a narrower field than radars, to determine speed. Most courts will accept laser readings as accurate statements of speed. A laser reading takes about ½ a second. Most people think that officers are required to show you the laser reading, but that is a myth. In Georgia, the officer is not obligated to show you the reading. It can be difficult to challenge laser readings, although it is not unheard of.
- Pacing: Pacing is a somewhat outdated method of checking a driver’s speed. This is when an officer uses his or her speedometer to calculate the speed of another vehicle. So if an officer’s car reads that he or she is traveling at 82 mph and they are driving at the same speed as you, then logically you are also driving 82 mph. However, this is not always accurate and can be easier to fight in court. The accuracy of the patrol vehicle in question is necessary to verify that the car was giving an accurate reading when you were charged with speeding.
If you have been accused of speeding in Fulton County, you should contact an experienced Georgia defense attorney. Here at the Law Office of Scott Miller we know what it takes to win a speeding case in court. We know the right defense for each individual case. Call the Law Office of Scott Miller today for a free consultation at 770-408-1001. Don’t let an inaccurate reading affect your driving record.