Client's speeding ticket dismissed in DeKalb Recorders Court.
On a Wednesday, I appeared with my client in DeKalb Recorders Court.
She had been charged with speeding, doing 20 mph over the limit.
Following negotiation with the prosecutor, I got her speed reduced to 14 mph over, and then I got her case dismissed.
There will be no points added to her drivers record, and her insurance company will not be aware of this issue.
She is another very happy client of the Alpharetta, Georgia speeding ticket defense attorney Scott Miller.
If you have a speeding ticket issue that you would like to discuss with attorney Scott Miller, call him at 770-408-1001 for a free consultation.
On a Wednesday, I appeared with my client in DeKalb Recorders Court.
She had been charged with speeding, doing 20 mph over the limit.
Following negotiation with the prosecutor, I got her speed reduced to 14 mph over, and then I got her case dismissed.
There will be no points added to her drivers record, and her insurance company will not be aware of this issue.
She is another very happy client of the Alpharetta, Georgia speeding ticket defense attorney Scott Miller.
If you have a speeding ticket issue that you would like to discuss with attorney Scott Miller, call him at 770-408-1001 for a free consultation.