Don’t wait, call a traffic ticket defense attorney today!
Yesterday, I received a call from a man who has a traffic ticket arraignment scheduled in Atlanta Municipal Court tomorrow.
His question to me was, what should I do?
One day before the court arraignment is not a good time to ask for advice about traffic tickets.
The only advice I could give him, was if he wants to fight this ticket, he should contact the clerk of the court and ask to have his arraignment rescheduled for a later date.
This extra time will give him the opportunity to get a traffic defense attorney to represent him.
If he is a not a habitual traffic violator, there’s a good chance that his ticket could be dismissed.
Yesterday, I received a call from a man who has a traffic ticket arraignment scheduled in Atlanta Municipal Court tomorrow.
His question to me was, what should I do?
One day before the court arraignment is not a good time to ask for advice about traffic tickets.
The only advice I could give him, was if he wants to fight this ticket, he should contact the clerk of the court and ask to have his arraignment rescheduled for a later date.
This extra time will give him the opportunity to get a traffic defense attorney to represent him.
If he is a not a habitual traffic violator, there’s a good chance that his ticket could be dismissed.
If you are facing a similar situation with a traffic ticket, call today for a free consultation with attorney Scott Miller.