Don't be a tailgater!
Aggressive driving is a criminal misdemeanor, and can land you in jail.
Aggressive driving in Georgia is considered placing yourself or someone else at risk, while driving a motor vehicle.
Don't be a tailgater, don't become an aggressive driver.
Aggressive driving probably won't get you to your destination any faster than, if you drove your vehicle slower and safer, but it definitely places you at a higher risk for an accident.
Don't be a tailgater, don't become an aggressive driver.
Driving aggressively, only places you and others on the road at a greater risk for, injury and death.
This plea to you, to become a safer driver, is provided to you by the Alpharetta, Georgia traffic ticket defense attorney Scott Miller.
If you have questions about traffic tickets or other criminal matters, you may call attorney Scott Miller at 770-408-1001 for a free consultation.