Striking a pedestrian in the crosswalk

Fighting client’s striking pedestrian charge in Sandy Springs Court

In September, I appeared with my client in Sandy Springs Municipal Court. He had been charged with striking a pedestrian.

Georgia code 40 – 6–91 describes the driver’s obligation to stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk.
Georgia code 40 – 6–93 covers failure to exercise due care near pedestrians.
Georgia code 40 – 6–94 covers failure to yield to a blind pedestrian.

In all three cases, the driver of a vehicle is obligated to stop for any pedestrian in a crosswalk.

Anyone convicted of any of these three offenses shall be subject to a fine, and have three points added to their drivers license record. 

In this particular case, after lengthy negotiation with the prosecutor, I was able to get the prosecutor to agree to dismiss the charge. 

My client will be required to attend traffic school, a defensive driving class, and show the court that his insurance company has settled any claim by the pedestrian.

This is another very happy client of the Alpharetta, Georgia traffic ticket defense attorney Scott Miller.

If you have traffic tickets that you would like to discuss with Attorney Scott Miller, he is available daily for a free consultation at 770-408-1001.
Scott Miller
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