In Alpharetta Municipal Court getting my clients hit-and-run dismissed.
Hit and run is a common occurrence in a large municipality like Atlanta. Every day, whether it is on the road or and in parking lots, many vehicles will impact with one another. This may result in either minor or major damage.
Regardless of the situation, be it on the road or a vehicle stopped, it his responsibility of the party driving the vehicle to locate the owner of the other vehicle. If the owner of the other vehicle cannot be found, it is the responsibility of the driver to leave identifying information in a conspicuous place, so that the owner of the damaged vehicle can find it. After negotiations with the prosecutor, I was able to get my clients charge dismissed.
This information is provided by the Alpharetta, GA. traffic ticket defense attorney Scott Miller. If you have concerns about a traffic ticket or other criminal matters, you may contact attorney Scott Miller at 770-408-1001 for a free consultation.
Scott Miller
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