Driving can be stressful. Sometimes you may not even notice the stress until it boils over.

Consider this: you may have been having a bad day already. There wasn’t any hot water when you took your morning shower; there was a large and unexpected bill in this morning’s mail; your son’s teacher called from school to say that Julius was going to be in detention again for using bad language; and, at lunch, you burned your mouth on coffee that was too hot just moments before you spilled your salad into your lap.

Now, you’re fairly easy-going, but when the petty annoyances pile up, it just takes a small event to trigger an explosion. That trigger might be another driver behaving thoughtlessly or foolishly on the road. One more irritation, and your exasperation turns to road rage.

If you get road rage and start driving aggressively, you could be pulled over by police and charged with a criminal offense.

The legal consequences of road rage in Georgia

If you get out of control on Georgia’s highways, a police officer can pull you over and ticket you for aggressive driving. You will get points on your license, your insurance rates may go up, and you could end up with a Georgia criminal record.

Nothing is worth getting upset and driving aggressively. It is both dangerous to you and others on the road. That being said, we understand if you had a bad day that culminated in your having road rage. You do not deserve to have a criminal record for one mistake. An arrest or charge does not mean you are guilty. Having the right lawyer at your side can help make the difference between a guilty and not guilty verdict.

If you have been charged with aggressive driving in Alpharetta or another nearby community, you should hire an attorney to help keep your criminal record clear of an aggressive driving charge. Here at the Law Offices of Scott Miller, we are experienced with helping drivers fight their Fulton County aggressive driving charges. Call us today at 770-408-1001 so we can start helping you plan your defense for your trial.

Scott Miller
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Georgia Attorney at Law
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