Take a second look before backing up to prevent accidents!

When backing up, be it on the street or in a parking lot, be careful not to strike any objects. 
If you strike another object either another vehicle or a stationary object like a sign or fence post with your vehicle, it is considered a vehicular collision. 
The laws of the state of Georgia require that you to search for the owner of the property, and if you not able to locate this person, you must leave your personal information and contact numbers in a prominent location, so that the owner of the vehicle or other property can contact you.

If you leave the site of a collision where your vehicle collided with another vehicle or a stationary object, without leaving your personal information, you could be charged with the criminal misdemeanor of leaving the side of an accident.

This informational blog is provided to you by the Alpharetta, Georgia traffic ticket defense attorney Scott Miller.

If you have questions for attorney Scott Miller about leaving the scene of an accident or other traffic ticket matters, you may contact him at 770-408-1001 for a free consultation.
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