Traffic ticket in Alpharetta, attorney Scott Miller can help.

If while driving, you are stopped by a law enforcement officer in Alpharetta, Georgia, you may receive a traffic ticket for one or for several violations.
Depending upon the severity of the traffic infraction, you may be given a warning or a traffic ticket.  The traffic ticket, will inform you about when and where you are required to be present in court to answer for these charges.
If you simply pay the traffic ticket and avoid going to court, you are pleading guilty to the charges, and points may be added to your drivers record. This may cause your insurance to increase in cost.
It is usually not wise to plead guilty to a charge and simply pay the fine. Doing so may be more expensive and damaging to your drivers record.
It is wise to contact an experienced traffic ticket defense attorney, to discuss your alternatives.

If you have questions about the above, or if you have been issued a traffic ticket that accuses you of a traffic violation, contact the traffic ticket defense attorney Scott Miller, in Alpharetta, Georgia for a free consultation. 770-408-1001

Scott Miller
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