Fighting client's shoplifting charge from Northpoint Mall

I’m in the Alpharetta City Court fighting my client’s shoplifting charge. 

This is her first in a lifetime shoplifting charge. 
She attempted to take $200 worth of merchandise from a local clothing store.

Following meetings with the prosecutor and the Department store manager, I was able to have her charge converted to an earned dismissal.

In this particular case my client is required to pay the store for the merchandise, take a class in shoplifting prevention, and perform numerous hours of community service. 
After all of these things are completed, my client will earn a dismissal of her charge. 

This is another very happy client of the Alpharetta, Georgia shoplifting defense attorney Scott Miller.

If you or a loved one has been accused of shoplifting, you may contact attorney Scott Miller at 770-408-1001 for a free consultation.
Scott Miller
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Georgia Attorney at Law
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