Shoplifters are usually young as a group at Perimeter Mall GA.  Around 25% of people caught shoplifting are between the ages of thirteen and seventeen.  This young age group, accounts for less than 10% of the overall US population.
Why then, do so many young people shoplift?
The need to be accepted as part of the group is very strong.
Common language around adolescents include phrases like, I swiped it, I sniffed it, I got the five finger discount.
This type of language can encourage shoplifting.

Speak with your children about shoplifting, don't ignore the subject. Encouraged them to show leadership by speaking against shoplifting.

If you have questions about or have an issue with shoplifting contact the experienced shoplifting defense attorney Scott Miller in Alpharetta, Georgia for a free consultation. 770-408-1001

Scott Miller
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